By the works of the Elder Ones, who
were before and will be after, were the devourers created. From the ichor and
the being of the Elder Ones were the devourers created, and so it is that they
are cousins to the Elder Ones.
And it came to pass after their
creation that the devourers grew in number, and came to war with the Elder Ones
many times. And they were cast down, time and again, till one of their number,
whose name was Azathoth, came and made parley and blood-truce with the Elder
But then Azathoth was cast down and
imprisoned in the core of the Earth, where the heat was too great for him to
bear and it sickened him like the most potent venom. And the children of
Azathoth were bound likewise.
And none know the reason for their
binding, whether they were taken in by treason or were betrayers themselves.
But the Elder Ones claim their story, and the devourers their own, and if any
know the truth then it is Innan— but Innan reveals nothing, and who can say but
that the treacherous act was wrought by the very same?
Azathoth and Nyarlathotep,
who together are the Father of Them All
Bound in the depths of the Earth is
Azathoth, the uncrowned king who lays across a tablet of stone, runes inscribed
upon it in the devourer’s blood, and runes cut in its flesh by the tablet’s
It is well known to certain cults
that the mind, though it be born of the flesh of the body, may divorce itself
from the same and be projected into the world. Most may only project the
sensation of themselves, sight and sound and, among the powerful, the feeling
of their projection. And even so, many can only be perceived but dimly by the
unlearned, and few there are who can work their own will without possessing a
body of flesh and bones.
This is called the filgya, according
to the speech of Innan, whose own powers rely on a technological refinement of
this principle.
Azathoth is one that is counted
among the most powerful of projectors. The body of Azathoth lays bound, and
even so it projects itself in the manner of a witch. This filgya is no mere
extension of awareness and being, but may take physical form, and the name of
it is Nyarlathotep.
Nyarlathotep goes to and fro across
the face of the world, doing the will of its master, who is itself. It is
thought by many that Azathoth will not be unbound by Nyarlathotep’s
machinations, but there is much power to be had under the heavens, and who is
to say that Nyarlathotep may not devise a way to make the sun grow cold before
its time?
It is thought that, according to the
records of Innan, humans will survive for many millions of years, but on this
matter Innan is not specific. All that is said is that humans will survive to
the end of the days of the Earth, but as for the manner of the sun’s dying, whether
its aging be hastened or not, this has not been given to us.
Cthulhu, who is the First
Cthulhu! who dwells bound in the
depths of the sea.
Cthulhu! who is like a three-faced
wolf, with as many limbs as he has teeth.
Cthulhu! who is male and female
both, and mother and father to its twin children.
To hear the sorcerers, Cthulhu is
the moon and Cthulhu is stone. Or perhaps it is only as still as stone, beneath
the waves where its brother is likewise imprisoned.
This was the manner in which it was
bound: The mi-go were sought to create a prison fit for the devourer, and
chains with which to bind its body and bind its mind. And then it was lured
therein, with a thousand Elder Ones, whose minds were fit prey and bait for the
devourer. Cthulhu consumed them, or consumed their thinking-selves, leaving
only thoughtless bodies, and when it turned to depart the trap had already been
sprung and it was sealed away.
But the children of Cthulhu were not
bound. They escaped, and bred, and their children bred among themselves
likewise, and they also took wives and husbands from the children of men, so as
to keep their gene-lines pure from the slow rot of inbreeding. And these and
their servants look forward to the day when they shall free their distant
parent, and with it dance and rejoice and devour.
If it should be that Nyarlathotep
shall bring the sun near to its grave before its time, then surely it is the
children of Cthulhu that shall aid it in so doing. And then Cthulhu will be
unbound, and at the last it will take the sun between its jaws, and then night
will come forever to the Earth.
Yig, who is the Second
Yig! who is called Father
Yig! who is sustained by his dying!
Yig! who calls to the doctors of
lives eternal, speaking in their sleep.
This is not the only name by which
Yig is known, for he was also called Bastet and Sekhmet in ancient Egypt, and
Apep and Setesh. And he was worshiped as N’chushtan by the prophet-judge Thutmasha,
who murdered a man in Egypt, and as the North Tezcatlipoca by the Aztecs.
It is Yig alone of all his family
who was slain by the Elder Ones, and yet in his death he yet persists. There
are ways of existing beyond death, and these secrets were perceived by him.
Though he lays unmoving in the depths, bound lest he take up his body yet
again, the projection of his mind still flits like a haunting ghost through the
cities of the world, and speaks to those that are susceptible to his voice.
His wounds are too great to for life
to be sustained in his body were he to return to it, and the chains too strong
for him to be free were he to live again. But the doctors of lives eternal, who
act in his name and according to his counsel— these will surely work out his
resurrection and his return.
And till this time he is succeeded
by his nine daughters. The names of all of them have not been given unto us,
but only three: The Pitching One, That One Through Which One Can See the
Heavens, and Bloody-Hair. The names of the others, and even whether they still
live, are not given to us.
Shub-Niggurath and Hastur,
who are the Third Child
Shub-Niggurath! who is the Hidden
Hastur! who is the dweller-below.
Shub-Niggurath! Hastur! which are the
two-in-one whose true name is not to be named.
Beneath the surface of the poles,
between the heat of the Earth’s core and the heat of summer upon the surface,
are the cities of the Cold Ones, which are called the Abode of Mists, and their
names are Keylo and Relex.
These cities were before Irem, the
first city of men, but now there is only lifelessness, where the Cold Ones and
their children sit in deathly hibernation. Their servants descend only
occasionally, in the deepest winters, in order to hear the will of their
dying-undying masters, to pass into the way of the cult and carry out the will
of them that wait below. The walls of the two cities are in grievous disrepair
and whole passages are blocked off now, their supports crumbled and collapsed.
There is darkness and mist here, and
the whispers of the Hidden King. There are rivers here, or waters that flow
through the decaying pipes, and in the waters are the many sicknesses which the
Cold Ones bred in their war against the Elder Ones, and which might serve them
Surely they are all bound,
Azathoth-Nyarlathotep and their children. Surely they will be unbound.

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