Of the Elder Ones, who died that men might live, we have
Of Innan, which watches all and moves through all, we
have spoken.
Of the devourers, which are bound and will be unbound, we
have spoken.
And yet there are others, of we have not spoken.
Those Which Steal the Dead
In death we become food twice-over. The maggots of the
corpse, the dwarfs, grow out of our spiritual corpses and feed further. These
are the mi-go.
Or so it is said.
It is not that they feed upon the dead, but that they steal
away the dead for their purposes. The dead are refitted, born anew as meat-machines
to do the will of their re-animators. Through the dead, their puppets, the
mi-go act.
The mi-go do not hail from this space. They do not come from
this world, nor from any other star which could be reached in this universe.
The light of this space is poison to them, and its radiation sows disease in
them. In the brightness of the moon they are blinded and made lethargic.
Beneath the glory of the sun they fall and cannot move, and die in hours. And
even the starlight gnaws at them by inches.
Their artificial skins are clumsy things, not fit for the
work which they desire to do in the bowels of the Earth. So they reside in
shielded chambers in the hills and on other worlds, and from these places
direct their puppet-dead to do their work. The dead are sustained by elixirs
drawn out of the body of Yig who is bound beneath the sea, and this is why they
have come to this world to do their work.
Here is truth: The mi-go do not waste their tools. The body
is one thing, and the mind another. But of what they do to the minds of the
dead there is nothing which should be spoken.
The mi-go make pilgrimages to the cities of Hastur and
Shub-Niggurath, but these are not their cities. They dwell in labyrinthine
complexes of mines and forges far beneath these places, close to the planet’s
core. They hear the whisperings of Azathoth who is bound beneath the mountains,
and the words of Nyarlathotep who is his master’s will, and they make parley
with these powers. Their dealings with such beings have made them wise beyond
comparison; the price which they have paid for this is not known.
Their Majesties of Colour
There are things which learned men call Colours. These
things come from the place between the stars, and to them they always return,
but in the time between they sit in the midst of life and suck it up. Not even
Innan knows why it is that they do this, whether it is that their spawning is
the purpose or only a byproduct of the process.
But as they sit and sup at the world, they pose the risk
of leaving contamination behind them. There are times when this contamination
weakens, decays, and is no more. Just as often, these fragments find a place in
the life around them, trading predation for parasitism. But they often die,
parasite and host together, and it is only very rarely that stability is
In the books of Innan they are called the Ielb. To many
sorcerers, they are called ylves, or elves, or aelfen. They are those in whom
the Colours have adopted a totally new mode of existence, and even of
reproduction. They are beings of sickness and madness, leaving the seeds of
death with a touch and driven to madness by the pain and the rotting of their
minds. Without the Colours, they would surely die.
They seek to spread. They do so through their children,
calling for wives and husbands from among their followers, those who would call
upon them for the sake of their powers. The pollution of the Colour continues
in their line, weakened but still present. These ones are totally mad, for they
have never known anything but the fragments of Colour which are in their
When one of the Ielb has grown very old, too old for its
Colours to sustain it, the death of old age finally comes. When this happens
its Colours are still unable to return to the stars, but sits and infests the
corpse. The followers of the Ielb take the Colours and divide them, and eat,
taking this sacrament into themselves so that their own lives may be extended.
The Wild Hunt
Some say that they are dwarfs as well, or black elves. It is
said that they are servants of Innan, or worshipers of Cthulhu. Perhaps they
are all these things.
They are feasters on the dead, vulture carrion kings. They
scour the world as the mi-go do, but the thoughts which they steal away are
destined to serve a less unspeakable purpose: the recovered minds of the dead
are a mead of inspiration for the Wild Hunt. The thoughts of the dead are
consumed to expand their knowledge and in some unknown manner preserve their
The chief of the Wild Hunt is one-eyed Onsdag, the child of
Ve. Onsdag’s body was left to rot away beneath the ocean’s surface a million
years ago. It is the creature’s mind which now survives, and because of the
secret of this technique it is Onsdag alone of all the Wild Hunt whose body has
no need for the minds of the dead. Onsdag leads them onward for—entertainment?
to build an army? to simply do what is necessary to survive from day to day?
One day, the sun will grow cold. The keening of the mi-go
will spill out across the face of all the world and Azathoth and his Children
will be unbound. And the Wild Hunt will stand against the hosts of Azathoth,
until Onsdag is devoured by Cthulhu, and rest have been felled by Yig who
taught his secrets to Onsdag and was betrayed.

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